Our Story

The original St. Joseph's Church in Owls Head, built in 1921, replaced by the current structure in 1972, now transformed into Patsy's Place, the Owls Head Mountain View Community Center-- the Heart of the Community.
Programs for community children are our most important strategic priority. More than 30 kids enjoyed Christmas with Santa in 2023.
More than 60 families, friends and visitors met in July 2022 to help plan and finance the Community Center.
Our Story
In September 2020, residents from Owls Head and Mountain View, adjoining hamlets in the Northern Adirondacks and Foothills, met at a Community Gathering to agree on the reasons a Community Center was important for our communities, why the time was right for the Community Center, and to identify potential uses of a Community Center.
Following that gathering at the Owls Head United Methodist Church, community members continued to explore options for the creation of the Community Center and build support for the project.
In September 2021 Mountain View Community Connection, Inc. began informally as an organization, when a group of residents learned that the no-longer used St. Joseph's Catholic Church property in Owls Head was going to be listed for sale on the real estate market. The group saw this as an opportunity to begin the formal process to create the long hoped-for, and-much needed, Community Center. A community member whose family had been active in St Joseph's for generations commented that St. Joseph's had been the Heart of the Community for decades. It was at this time that our tagline "The Heart of the Community" was identified.
On November 1, 2023 we finalized the purchase of the property from St. Andre Bessette Parish and celebrated the dedication of Patsy's Place, the Owls Head Mountain View Community Center-- once again the Heart of the Community!
For details on the Town of Bellmont's attempts at acquiring the property for a community center see Beginning of the Dream